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Book Your Treatment

  • The consultation is free. For a consultation, please send your panoramic radiograph and dental photos (with your teeth fully closed, from the front and both sides, and your lower and upper jaw photos with your mouth wide open) to e-mail address or to WhatsApp line at +90 535 203 45 88. Or you can use this form.

  • The examination fee is 20 euro including a panoramic radiograph.

  • You can get information from the above e-mail and telephone number to get discounted services from the companies we have contracted with for accommodation and city transportation.

  • It may not be possible to make a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan with only radiographs and photographs. Therefore, after the examination, treatment planning can be finalized with your approval.

We use Bredent BioHPP® prostheses in the premium series for all on four, all on six prostheses.

For detailed information, you can click here.

Full list of treatments & Prices: 

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery



Temporomandibular Disorders

Impacted Tooth




Bone Graft



Oral and maxillofacial surgery

All-on-4 is recommended for individuals missing all teeth and patients who need an immediate fixed prosthesis. 

Duration of treatment: The first session consists of implant surgery, production, and fixation of the customized immediate prosthesis.  The surgery in total lasts about 2 hours. The second session takes about 1 hour at several appointments. 

Days abroad per treatment: The first session takes 7 days (and 6 nights), the second session takes 8 days (and 7 nights)

* "All-on-four" and "all-on-six" prices are for one chin. It will be double this price for the operation to be performed on the lower and upper jaws (whole mouth).


German brand "Myplant"

(including temporary and permanent prosthesis)

5590 Euro


All-on-4 "Myplant" Premium

(with Bredent BioHPP® prostheses)

6590 Euro


Turkish brand "Nucleoss"

(including temporary and permanent prosthesis)

4175 Euro


All-on-4 "Nucleoss" Premium 

(with Bredent BioHPP® prostheses)

5175 Euro


Swiss brand "Straumann BLX SLActive"

(including temporary and permanent prosthesis)

6650 Euro


All-on-4 "Straumann" Premium 

(with Bredent BioHPP® prostheses)

7650 Euro


All-on-6 is similar to All-on-4, except 6 implants are used instead of 4. 

Duration of treatment: The first session consists of implant surgery, production, and fixation of the customized immediate prosthesis.  The surgery in total lasts about 2 hours. The second session takes about 1 hour at several appointments. 

Days abroad per treatment: The first session takes 7 days (and 6 nights), the second session takes 8 days (and 7 nights)

* "All-on-four" and "all-on-six" prices are for one chin. It will be double this price for the operation to be performed on the lower and upper jaws (whole mouth).


German brand "Myplant"

(including temporary and permanent prosthesis)

7350 Euro


All-on-6 "Myplant" Premium 

(Bredent BioHPP® prostheses)

8350 Euro


Turkish brand "Nucleoss"

(including temporary and permanent prosthesis)

5150 Euro


All-on-6 "Nucleoss" Premium 

(Bredent BioHPP® prostheses)

6150 Euro


Swiss brand "Straumann BLX SLActive"

(including temporary and permanent prosthesis)

8850 Euro


All-on-6 "Straumann" Premium 

(Bredent BioHPP® prostheses

9850 Euro

Dental Implants 

Dental Implants are recommended for patients missing one or more teeth

Duration of treatment: minimum  45 min

Days abroad per treatment: 6 days (5 nights) in the first session, 8 (7 nights) days for the 2nd session 

Dental Implants

German brand "Myplant 2"

750 Euro


Turkish brand "Nucleoss T6"

369 Euro


Swiss brand "Straumann BLX SLActive"

1000 Euro

Bone Graft Applications 

Today dental implant treatment is a standard method within dental health care. Sometimes enough bone is not available for implant applications. In these cases, new bone formation may be required using bone grafts and/or membranes for bone regeneration.

Bone grafts can also be in the form of commercial products, such as allografts, xenografts, or alloplasts, or can be obtained from one’s own bone as autografts.

Autografts are accepted as the gold standard and preferred in our clinic. Bovine and synthetic bone grafts were also used.

Temporomandibular Disorders

Epidemiological studies have reported that at least one symptom of TMD is seen in about 45% of the population and at least one clinical finding is present in about 40% to 60% of the population.

The etiology of TMD (the disease-causing factors) is complex and is not yet fully established. Chronic recurrent traumas such as dental occlusion problems, acute trauma, clenching, and grinding are considered probable causes. Psychogenic factors are also important. However, this is often thought to be a factor contributing to the disease rather than a primary cause such as trauma and malocclusion.


Prof. Dr. Serkan Polat has a special interest in TMD and his Ph.D. thesis is related to this subject. He is a member of the International Network of Orofacial Pain and Related Diseases Methodology. Dr. Serkan Polat is leading the team for the Turkish version of the “Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: Assessment Instruments” method prepared by this network. The documents in Turkish were prepared in 2016. Prof. Dr. Serkan Polat is certified with this standard diagnostic method and he is the first practitioner in the Republic of Turkey.

Bone graft 

for patients with bone deficit , performed on implant patients 

Duration of treatment: 45 min-1 hr

Days abroad per treatment: 7 days (6 nights)  

Sinus lifting 

vertical bone deficite of the maxillary posterior region

Duration of treatment: 45 min-1 hr

Days abroad per treatment: 7 days (6 nights)  

Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis 

for patients with temporomandibuler joint pain, noises and locking 

Duration of treatment: 45 min-1 hr

Days abroad per treatment: 7 days (6 nights)  

Bone graft

(without biomaterial)

200 Euro

Sinus lifting

(including biomaterial)

600 Euro

Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis

250 Euro

Tooth Extraction 

The natural tooth should be protected as much as possible. The missing teeth and edentulism are not destiny. With proper oral care to be done with toothbrushes and dental floss, all our teeth can stay in our mouth for life long. If teeth can not be treated or if required for prosthetic/orthodontics reasons, it is extracted. 

In our clinic, tooth extraction is performed under local anesthesia by the oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Sedation is administered if necessary.

Impacted Tooth Surgery

The tooth that is not completely erupted and cannot be erupted is called an impacted tooth. Third molar teeth, called wisdom teeth, are the most frequently impacted teeth. However, the canine teeth are the second most frequently impacted teeth (especially the upper canine). It may be encountered that all of the lower teeth, except lower incisors and first molars, may be impacted. Sometimes it is also seen that the teeth that are formed supernumerary are impacted.


Impaction of the tooth is considered a pathological condition and requires treatment. The treatment is usually related to tooth extraction, orthodontic eruption, removal of the gum tissue that covers the impacted tooth (operculektomy), replacement of the tooth by another tooth or surgical placement, or just follow-up. In particular, only removal of the crown of the impacted tooth (coronectomy) is suggested, especially in cases where the lower impacted wisdom tooth that close to the sensory nerve.


Impaction of the tooth (depending on the degree of impaction) can cause the following problems.

* Pericoronitis (inflammation of gingiva around a partially impacted tooth)

* Caries

* Resorption at the adjacent tooth root

* Infection spreading to deep tissues

* Development of cysts and tumors.


Impacted tooth extraction is the routine procedure of oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

Surgical tooth extraction

for teeth that cannot be otherwise restored 

Duration of treatment: 45 min-1 hr

Days abroad per treatment: 2 days (1night)  

Surgical tooth extraction

100 Euro

Non-surgical tooth extraction 

for teeth that cannot be otherwise restored 

Duration of treatment: 20-30 min

Days abroad per treatment: 2 days (1 night)  

Non-surgical tooth extraction

50 Euro

Impacted tooth extraction

for completely bony teeth that did not erupt through the gumline 

Duration of treatment: 45 min-1 hr

Days abroad per treatment: 7 days (6 nights)  

Impacted tooth extractions

175-245 Euro


In the coronectomy technique the crown of the wisdom tooth is removed (decoronation) leaving the tooth roots behind in an attempt to minimise the risk of nerve damage. 

Duration of treatment: The procedure usually takes less than 1 hour. Sutures will be resorbed at 2-3 weeks later.

Days abroad per treatment: 7 days (6 nights)  


220 Euro

Restorative Dentistry





Fixed Crowns 

and Bridges

Complete and 





Root Canal





Restorative dentistry
CAD/CAM Applications


Digital CAD / CAM systems are an important part of Digital Dentistry. The traditional denture production methods take days, but prosthesis design and manufacturing by CAD/CAM systems take hours. 


The process begins with a digital impression taken from the mouth for the restoration to be performed. This digital data allows the design (computer-aided design – CAD) of a lamina, crown, and bridge, inlay / onlay. This design can be done by the dentist or dental technician at the dental laboratory. The designed restoration produce (computer-aided manufacturing – CAM) by the dentist with a chairside milling machine or at the laboratory. Depending on the material being manufactured, sintering may be required. When the whole system is in the polyclinic like ours, all this process is completed within a few hours and the manufactured prosthesis can be delivered to the patient.

Porcelain laminate veneer

is used on  visible teeth (usually, upper teeth are preferred) 

Duration of treatment: Preparation of 1 tooth is 30-45 min; 10 teeth takes 6 hrs

Days abroad per treatment: 7-8 days   (6-7 nights)  

All-ceramic crown (lab)

Patients who have worn down their teeth over time. Individuals who have chipped teeth. Patients who have discolored or misshapen teeth. Individuals with tooth decay. All-ceramic crowns can be used on anterior and posterior teeth.

Duration of treatment: at least 2 appointments of approx. 1 hour

Days abroad per treatment: 7 days (6 nights)  

All-ceramic crown

(produced in the laboratory)

400 Euro

Porcelain Laminate Veneer

400 Euro

Fixed Crown and Bridges

In our clinic, all of the crown and bridge applications with cobalt/chromium alloy or zirconium framework are made. Zirconium crown bridging applications are recommended due to their aesthetic advantages in anterior teeth deficiencies. Porcelain crown/bridge applications with cobalt/chromium alloy infra-structure are preferred due to mechanical resistance in the posterior tooth.

Porcelain fused to metal crown (and bridge)

is used on the less visible teeth; on long-span bridges 

Duration of treatment: tooth preparation, measurement per tooth is approx. 30 min

Days abroad per treatment: 6-7 days (5-6 nights)

Zirconia crown (and bridge)

is preferred on visible teeth 

Duration of treatment: tooth preparation, measurement per tooth is approx. 30 min

Days abroad per treatment: 6-7 days (5-6 nights)


for patients who want to restore their teeth with minimal tooth reduction. Usually applied to visible teeth 

Duration of treatment: at least 1 hr per tooth

Days abroad per treatment: 1 day (procedure doesn't require an overnight stay)



Porcelain fused to metal 

150 Euro



270 Euro


120 Euro

Root Canal Treatment

Deep caries, chemical or physical trauma may result in the loss of vitality of pulp tissue. Nonvital pulp becomes a very convenient site for the invasion and proliferation of bacteria. Infection in this area can spread from the root tip to neighboring tissues and the whole body. In such a case, it is necessary to remove the nonvital pulp tissue and to enlarge the root canals. The expanded root canal is finally filled with suitable materials. This process is called root canal treatment. If the canal is not treated in time, it may be necessary to remove the tooth.

Bleaching (Laser Teeth Whitening)

Smoking, consumption of tannin-rich food (such as grapes, cranberries, green tea), and some cationic substances such as chlorhexidine may cause color changes in teeth. These color changes usually occur in regions outside the effect of the toothbrush and paste.

In-office tooth whitening is the fastest and provides the highest whitening effect with minimum tooth sensitivity.

The bleaching process takes about 30 minutes. Some patients may experience dental complaints during this procedure. This condition is usually light and temporary.

Root canal treatment

for teeth with infected pulp; teeth with periapical infection; retreatment of unsuccessfully treated teeth

Duration of treatment: 1,5 - 3 hrs per tooth

Days abroad per treatment: 1 day (for serious infections - 2 days and 1 night)  

Laser teeth whitening 

for patients with external pigmentation on teeth; NOT recommended for pregnant women, children, and people with sensitive and damaged teeth.

Duration of treatment: 2 hrs

Days abroad per treatment: 1 day (in case of heavy pigmentation, treatment may be repeated or continued with the Home Bleaching kit)  

Inlay and onlay (chair side CAD/CAM)

Used instead of a composite filling, as a more bio-compatible alternative, custom-produced based on the digital impression. 

Duration of treatment: about 3 hours. Time in the dentist chair is about 1 hr.

Days abroad per treatment: 2 days (1night)  

Root canal treatment

90-140 Euro

Teeth whitening 

210-340 Euro

Inlay and onlay

290 Euro

Composite filling  

for patients with cavities, fractured teeth

Duration of treatment: 1 filling takes

30 min - 1 hr

Days abroad per treatment: procedure does not require an overnite stay 

Ultrasonic scaling and polishing  

for patients with external pigmentation (renklenme) on teeth; not recommended to pregnant women; not recommneded for children; not reccomended for people with sensitive and damaged teeth.  

Duration of treatment: 1hr

Days abroad per treatment: 1 day 

Composite filling

52-83 Euro

Ultrasonic scaling and polishing 

70 Euro

Composite Filling 


A composite filling is durable that can resist the chewing forces and aesthetic. They can be used in both anterior and posterior teeth. Composite fillings are now used more than amalgam (metal-filled filler containing mercury). These fillings consist of two main structures. It has a structure containing plastic resin and glass-like particles.


Orthero Aligners

Orthero Aligners

recommended for patients with orthodontic disorder 

Duration of treatment: 15 min - 1,5 hrs 

Days abroad per treatment: 1 day (1 night)

For detailed information:

Orthero Aligners

1500- 2500 Euro

Booking form

Booking Form 

Please fill this form in the most detailed way. We recommend that you also attach your X-ray, CT or photo, in order for us to be able to give you the most customized advice, timeline and price for your treatment :)
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